Whanau Taumata & Kura Matika Years 1-6
Ko te taumata kia toa tatou, kia manawanui!
Welcome to Kura taumata
Where dreams are created!
Our goal for our Kura Taumata is to provide a safe, stimulating, fun and high quality learning environment the needs of all our students where children are given a range of opportunities to become passionate, positive, proud and appreciative active learners, participants and conscientious contributors in an Maori and Global world.
Attached is Whanau Taumata
Whanau Tihi Years 7-10
Ma tatou, taitama, ma tatou, e hine ma
E hapai, tautoko nga taumata korero.
Welcome to Kura Tihi
Let us young people strive for knowledge that will, in time, become wisdom with age and experience.
Our goal as teachers of our Kura Tihi, is to create a safe and enjoyable learning environment that cater for every type of learner. we aim to facilitate the learning of our students helping them to reach their full potential and challenging them to be ' the best they can be '
Our Students will aim to strive towards attaining Matauranga, Arotahi, Ngakaunui and Ahi Kaa recognition under our kura motto of MANA.
Students will be supported to reach goals through exposure to a range of learning experiences that are engaging and cater to their needs.
Attached is Whanau Tihi
Whanau Paerangi Years 11-15
A Facilitator is a bridge between the learner
and the learning.
Welcome to Kura Paerangi
In Kura paerangi, this is where National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) begins. You will be specialising in chosen fields of study with resolved expertise.
Attached is Whanau Paerangi