Skool Loop App
We now have a FREE calendar app available for all parents, students and teachers.
It is called the Skool Loop app and can be accessed via your computer, laptop, tablet or mobile phone. To access please download the app from your local app store on your device "Skool Loop app"
This app should also allow absentees to be sent through to the office.
Once you have downloaded the app, Te Kura Taumata O Panguru from the dropdown list, then press select.
You will see the calendars that appear on this website.
PLEASE NOTE: Only you can see what appears on your calendar.
Nga Mihi T.K.T.O.P
Full attendance is very IMPORTANT.
Without full attendance students cannot achieve at school.
We encourage parents to avoid scheduling family time during school term, if it is not essential. As this takes valuable learning time which students need to keep up to date.
If your child or children is absent from school, please send a written and signed note along with them with explanation of absence.
For extended absence that does not relate to sickness or bereavement, former permission from principal or absentee person/s will be required.
If you wish to contact us about absentees other ways please feel free to email or phone us.
Phone: (09) 4095701
If we are unreachable during that time please leave a name and number, so we can get back to you.